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Mom Godfrey: Founder/Program director Email: Aondofa Isaac Terhemen: Assistant Programs director  Email: Lois Solomon: Director of Finance Email: Obed John: Technical adviser Email: Cynthia Godwin: Director of communication Email:

The scourge called water pollution!

It is a well known fact that water is made up of the two most essential building blocks of life. 75% of human body is made up of water which is similar to the source of our origin, planet earth. The essentiality of the most important liquid can never be exhausted. A plethora of other complex applications of water abound, it's basic value to the sustainability of life is more universal to humans irrespective of race and social standing. Life as an ecosystem is tied to the quality and quantity of water that is available within and outside of us. The quality and quantity within us is solely dependent on what is available in our environment. All life forms depend on the accessible quality and quantity of water. As humans, we decide on these two factors that determine the quality of life we hope to give ourselves and also bequeath to our future generations that would proceed us. There has been a trajectory of decline in the condition of water bodies in our environments. Wate


 mission. Humans have the capability to make life worth living for everyone, looking at the myriad wonderful things they have been able to create to ease off the difficulty of achieving tedious tasks. It seems enigmatic how suffering abound in some parts of the world and goes on unchecked to abysmal levels where people just have to sit in through life as life goes by. The question has become trite about where we are heading to as humans. We are quick to brush aside the obvious fact that we contribute in one way or the other to making it what it has become. Our contributions could be in our actions or inactions,either Way can't be seen as less effective in plunging the world into the low ebb it is running up against, yet portending more peril in time to come, unless we do something drastic to either mitigate or call it a bluff by our well-meaning collective and effective actions. There is no gainsaying the fact that a lot of organizations and governments have been awake to m


To provide clean water to underserved communities 2. To provide food to communities in times of emergency 3. To educate communities on protection of resources made available to them 4. To educate communities on better ways to apply water to sustain food production. 5. Educate communities on the danger of holding on to unfounded believes and basic scientific concepts of solving problems.